Plastic Surgery | Reconstructive Surgery


What is microtia, and how does it affect the ear?
  • Microtia is a congenital deformity where the outer ear does not fully develop.
  • It can vary in severity from minor structural abnormalities to complete absence of the external ear.
  • Microtia often affects one ear, typically the right ear.
Is microtia hereditary?
  • In most cases, microtia is not inherited genetically.
  • About 95% of cases have no family history of the condition.
  • In approximately 5% of cases, microtia can be familial, affecting multiple family members.
What are the potential causes of microtia?
The exact cause of microtia is often unknown, but possible causes include:
  • Disruption in blood supply to the developing ear during the first trimester.
  • A drop in oxygen levels affecting ear development.
  • Maternal use of certain substances, such as alcohol or specific medications, during pregnancy.
What medical conditions are associated with microtia?
While most patients with microtia have no other significant medical issues, it can be associated with:
  • Hemifacial microsomia, where the tissues on one side of the face are underdeveloped.
  • Facial nerve weakness in some cases.
  • Conditions like Treacher Collins Syndrome or Goldenhar Syndrome.
How is microtia diagnosed?
  • Microtia is typically diagnosed at birth through a physical examination.
  • Imaging tests like a CT scan may be used to assess abnormalities in the middle or inner ear.
What are the treatment options for microtia?
Treatment for microtia may include:
  • Ear prosthetics: Silicone ears attached with adhesive or magnets.
  • Microtia surgery: Reconstructive surgery to create a new ear, often initiated at the age of 9 or 10 years, when cartilage stock which is harvested from the rib is adequate to support framework creation
Dr. Aakansha
Can microtia cause hearing loss, and how is it managed?
  • Microtia can be associated with hearing loss, due to malformation or absence of external and middle ear ,particularly if the ear canal is absent or narrow which prevents sound waves from reaching the inner ear.
  • However, as the inner ear is usually unaffected , hearing aids may improve hearing.
What should parents expect during the recovery from microtia surgery?
  • Recovery time depends on the specific surgical procedure.
  • The surgeon can guide you in a step by step manner through the stages of the surgery and the recovery period associated with each stage. The surgeon will provide guidelines on when the child can return to regular activities.
Can microtia be prevented?
  • Currently, there is no known way to prevent microtia.
  • Avoiding certain medications and substances during pregnancy might reduce the risk.
When should parents consult a healthcare provider about microtia?
  • Consult a healthcare provider if your child has microtia for early diagnosis and management.
  • Regular hearing tests are essential to monitor and manage any hearing loss.
#Microtia #EarDeformities #CongenitalAnomalies #OuterEarAbnormalities #EarSurgery #PediatricOtolaryngology #EarReconstruction #HearingLoss #MicrotiaSurgery #EarProsthetics #Anotia #CanalAtresia #HearingAids #EarDeformityTreatment #FacialSymmetry #ChildHealth #HearingRestoration #CongenitalEarCondition #PediatricENT #MicrotiaAwareness #EarMolding #SurgicalReconstruction #EarHealth #PediatricHearingLoss #FacialReconstruction #HearingDevices #CongenitalEarDeformities #PediatricSurgery #EarCanalStenosis #Audiology