Most people automatically think of cosmetic plastic surgery when the word is mentioned. It is important to understand that there is so much more than just looking good during these types of surgeries; there are medical problems that are addressed too that can generally increase one’s quality of life.

May it be functional impairments or even chronic pain, here’s how plastic surgery can assist with the medical issues you didn’t know you had.

1. For Vision Issues, Eyelid Lifts Are Useful.

Another kind of vision problem occurring in babies and has resulted to some grown adults displaced from vision are droopy eyelids. This condition hinders normal activities such as reading or driving due to the difficulty in simultaneously controlling the knees and the head. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery enables an individual to have a better appearance by removing any additional skin that is found around the eye region that is usually thin as well as fat.


• Provides good vision by reshaping of the outer eye region.

• Reducing straining of the eyes as well as case of fatigue surrounding the eyes

2. Waxing of Breasts as a Symptom Alleviator For Back Pain

Breast Augmentation – Hyper scoliosis is a type condition that causes people to have chronic pains around the neck, back, shoulder and most importantly having posture related problems due to heavy spilling cups. These women can benefit from a breast reduction surgery since it addresses all the afforementioned complaints by reducing weight as well as the size cup they spill from. 


• Aid with mobility and overall physical comfort.

•  Aid with mobility and overall physical comfort.

3. Surgery for Cleft Lip and Palate

Reconstructive Surgery– Corrects Children With Speech Maintenance, Eating and Breathing Issues Caused Due To Cleft Lip and Palate. It also helps them develop normally.

Some of the benefits include:

• Improving feeding and speech.

• Increasing facial confidence and beauty.

4. Hand Reconstruction

Hand function can be lost due to birth defects, injury or arthritis. Hand function can be restored through tendon repair and joint replace surgery among many other reconstructive steps.

Some of the benefits include:

• Regaining motion and muscle strength.

• Helping patients become self sufficient for tasks and activities.

5. Surgery for Chronic Migraine

Chronic migraine suffers can be alleviated by certain kinds of plastic surgery. Focusing on trigger areas, for instance, neck and forehead decompression got good results.

Some of the benefits include:

• Reducing the intensity and number of migraines.

• Enhancing the overall well being.

6. Plastic Surgery After Skin Cancer Treatment

Post skin cancer treatment, the lost skin area’s function and appearance could be restored by plastic reconstruction surgery. Especially surgical reconstruction is vital for the face which is important due to function and cosmetics.

Some of the benefits include:

• Prevention from deeper scarring.

• Natural appearance and skin integrity restoration.

7. Scar Tissue Surgery

The emotional and physical trauma that results from serious scars due to injuries and burns as well as from surgeries includes pain and muscle dysfunction. Reconstruction of the scar’s appearance and revised surgery improves the scarred region’s degree of mobility.


▪ Tightness and discomfort are reduced.

▪ Self-esteem and confidence are raised.

8. Treatment for Lymphedema

As a result of the removal or damage to lymph nodes, many people experience swelling in the limbs that is painful and lymphedema characteristically occurs. Other types of LP procedures such as lymphaticovenous anastomosis and VLNT vascularized lymph node transfer can be performed by plastic surgeons to remedy the symptoms.

Benefits: ▪ Pain and swelling are relieved. ▪ Quality of life and mobility of limbs are enhanced.

9. Gender Confirmation Surgery

This surgery makes the physical features of an individual especially transgenders and non-binary people correspond to their registered gender which surgery assists in improving their mental health as well as general wellbeing.

Benefits: ▪ More body satisfaction as well as gender enhancement congruency. ▪ There is less occurrence of gender dysphoria.

10. Surgery done post a Traumatic Experience

Functionality and look of the body can be completely altered following a severe injury like a burn or a facial fracture, but reconstruction of form and function is possible with reconstructive plastic surgery.

Benefits: ▪ Healing of dysfunctional tissues and repair of muscular structures. ▪ Restoration of self-image and confidence in once-self.

Thinking About Having Surgery? Things To Consider

If you’re looking to undergo plastic surgery due to a medical reason, consider the following:

1. Get a Second Opinion: It is advisable to look for a plastic surgeon who is board certified and has experience in the procedures that you’re looking to have.

2. Discuss Possible Complications: There is always a risk in every surgery. Talk to your surgeon about complications that may arise.

3. Contact the Insurance Provider: There are a number of procedures that are deemed medically necessary, and these are covered under your insurance, be sure to check the policy.

4. Have An Open Mind: Try and manage your expectations and understand the procedure in detail.

As mentioned previously, plastic surgery is not just about looking good, it has great purpose but helping someone function better, live with less pain or improves their quality of life. To various medical conditions, plastic surgeons help restore self-esteem, self-reliance to patients and ease them. If you have a problem that can be treated by a medical procedure, find suitable professional services for advice.

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