What can you expect after breast reduction surgery?
After surgery, your breasts will be bandaged, and you will need to wear a support bra for a few weeks.
Post-surgery expectations include:
- Some tenderness, swelling, and bruising.
- Limited physical activity for a few weeks.
- Wearing a support bra to reduce swelling and support healing.
- Regular follow-up visits with your surgeon to monitor recovery.
- Most patients feel comfortable after the surgery and can resume work after a few days after discussion with their surgeon.
What are the potential risks and complications of breast reduction surgery?
Like any surgery, breast reduction carries risks, including bleeding, infection, and reaction to anaesthesia.
Specific complications may include:
- Scarring that may fade over time but won’t disappear completely.
Asymmetry or differences in breast size and shape.
- Loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts, which may be temporary or permanent.
How long does recovery from breast reduction surgery take?
Recovery from breast reduction surgery can take several weeks, with full recovery varying by individual.
Typical recovery timeline:
- Take at least one week off work or school.
- Avoid strenuous physical activities for a few weeks.
- Attend follow-up appointments for bandage and suture removal.
Follow post procedure care as advised by the surgeon.
- Scars will gradually fade over time, though they may remain visible.